Madi told me a long time ago, he caught his 1st silver barra (in Kuantan) just under Tangjung lumpur's Bridge using ' udang pasar'.
It is the mighty Sungai Kuantan Estuary.. a kilometre away from the open sea and I had bad experiences with kuantan river. I don't have good catch here!!! I fish here since I was a kid, The duris dan sesirats are plenty and having them on your hook can really spoil your day.
But, what the hell. I gave it a go along with babyface and big joe.

In the end.... still, we landed a bucket full of sesirats
Sesirat- a type of eel
Duri - a type of cat fish
On the way home, we stop at Kg. Kurnia to search for 'rent a boat' service. There are at least 3 operators we came across.
We decided to return here again next week for giant prawns.
In the meantime, lets pray the weather next week will be ok and the prawns are in their feeding mood.

Sg Belat Trawler Factory

The making of a Trawler. We were amazed, stunned and happy to see such thing exist in Kuantan. It is a work of art and perfection.

The green and brown trawlers are brand sparkling new... while the blue one on the left are docked for refurbish process/ repairing.

Those wooden boxes are filled with concrete. Maybe, for anchoring.
We cannot stay long as there were dogs and it started to rain as well. Our trip here will never be forgotten.