Date: 10 Nov 2007
Place: Sri Tembeling Resort – Kuantan
Host: Pahang Anglers world (Anglers World Tackle Shop) and Pure Fishing Malaysia
Speakers: 1. Aznir Malek – Kelah / Mahseer
2. Mr Novice – Fly Fishing
3. Mr Rob ‘Marlin’ – soft Lure technique
4. Mr Asri a.k.a Oakinn (PAW)
1. Sunday Fishing team ( Amriez and babyFace)
2. Malaysian Fishing .Net buddies (MFN)
3. KakiPancing.net (KPN)
4. Pahang Anglers World (PAW)
5. PeMM
6. Mr Fong from ROD N LINE Mag.
It was an oppurtinity of a life time. I couldn’t say no eventhough my schedule was packed and there is no weekend to spare. My office work is up to my chin and the deadline is a corner away. Everything must be done by the 16th of November. But to hell with work. With Great names coming for the talk, work can waits. Furthermore, it was the 1st seminar ever in Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. Tembeling resort is a cool place and the participants only have to pay RM5 for the whole package. We signed up as soon as we got the news.
BabyFace and I arrived 15mins after 8a.m which was too early as the program started at 9a.m. But our anxiety proved to be worthy as early birds got lots of goodies which was limited. We took our sweet time ransacking the Soft plastic box for our favourite SP. I chose to have Berkley Gulp! Minnow Grub while BabyFace grabbed Berkley 7” Power Worm. Those who came late didn’t have the pleasure selecting as the ‘Q’ got longer and longer.

Mr Aznir Malek... The King of Kelah

Mr Quek Received a birthday gift ( fenwick rod 1960) from Aznir

The weapon Mr Aznir used to hunt Kelah and mahseer
The program started at 9 something. Mr Aznir Malek was the first ‘guru’ to take the stage. He revealed the secret and tips on fishing Kelah. I have to admit that he is a funnyman. The participants never stopped laughing. But deep in the process, so many thing to learn, absorb and practice. This guy really knows his topic and he is really a master on Kelah. I watched his video a couple years before. I never dream to meet him in person. He came with his wife, who is very supportive and shares the same interest with him. What a guy!

Our Respectful boss... Mr Oakinn

Next , Mr oakinn gave his talk on river conservation in Malaysia especially in Pahang . You can read more on this topic at the previous post. Well, he is a noble man. Doing it for free without expecting more than satisfaction and to heal his broken heart over the dead rivers all around us.

Mr Novice

Mr Novice is a well known man in MFN and Fly Fishing Society . Fly Fishing is beyond my interest but still fun to learn. To me, to conclude, Fly Fishing is way too technical for me. And costly! But the society is growing everywhere in Malaysia. Maybe in the future I would consider the option. I know a thing or twos about flyFishing. Essentially, coming to this seminar, made me understand more about this ancient sport.


with his ultimate weapon
Actually, Soft Plastic is still new to me. I started to use this Lure about a month ago. I still hasn’t catch any fish using it and I am the one to blame. My technique sucks! Having Mr Rob to talk on this new craze is something like someone giving you a good pillow when you are sleepy. Using SP as your ultimate lure is a good move. The SP not only look like a real thing, but that clever stuff can imitate real actions. To add , those clever yummy things, come with scent and flavour . What I learned from Mr Rob :
1. Rod- should be as light as possible with cork handle. Abu Garcia had produced purposely for softlure. I am using Sabpolo 5’ rod which is as close as it get to any Jap’s made soft lure rods.
2. Line- main line should be braided. Small in diameter and poundage. The ultimate reason is to feel when the fish bites. The use of shock leader is advisable but again, vanish or fluorocarbon is a must.
3. swivel- is not good. From braided to fluro, use uni-knots, and from there, directly tie the line to the soft lure (hook or jighead).
4. Presentation- the line should be free. Keep the line slack as when the fish take the lure, they will get spooky if the feel any resistant.
There are so many things to share. May be next time I’ll write about it.

Lucky draw prizes

Lucky B@st@rd with his lucky draw price...

A happy babyFace

Fisherman eating frenzy

posed with free goodies

KPN from KL

Yummy nasi goreng
We have lunch at 2pm. Tasty fried rice with fried chicken. In the middle of the frenzy, the organizer decided to have a lucky draw session with 10 rapalas and 3 Abu Garcia cardinal 101 to give away. I was not so lucky but babyFace was the luckiest among all. He got the no 1 price, Abu Garcia 101 Special Edition with 5 bearings. What a lucky B@st@rd... Hi hi hi.
The session restarted at 3pm. We were divided into 3 groups. Kelah lover with Mr Aznir, FlyFishing with Mr Novice and SP Junkies with Mr rob Marlin.

The Pure Fishing (Malaysia) took the advantages to reveal their new product associated to the SP. What caught my attention were 2 things. Abu Garcia rod made specifically for SP and Berkeley SP attractants. BabyFace and I had to go home earlier that day due to some problems we couldn’t avoid.

New Product revealed

The participants