Monday, August 6, 2007

D I Y: Rod stand

I really need a rod stand .

This rod stand is sell at RM175 at TCE tackle

I surveyed the item around Kuantan, and it will cost me around RM180- RM250. well , with that amount, i rather spend it on NASCI 3000.

So i decided to make my own rod stand.

1st step

2nd step

3rd step

4th step

5th step

6th step

Final check on the Frame's symetrical.


1. 1 1/2 inc screws RM2.00

2. 20 pcs pvc pipe clips RM4.00

3. 1 can of black paint RM10.00

4. 1 cheppo paint brush RM1.50

5. Planks .... Free!!!as i got it from my office's store

Total Cost RM 17.50

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